Why does ricky gervais hate fat people

You might fucking die'. When someone's facial surgery goes wrong because they wanted plumper lips or a little nose, I think they're a fucking idiot. Gervais as now blogged about his comments, citing how The Telegraph claimed he is in an "attack" on fat people:.

I heard someone on the radio once say that they were tired of the prejudice aimed at the overweight. They said something like "you're not allowed to make fun of gay people, so why are you allowed to make fun of fat people? It's the same thing. It's not the same thing though, is it? Gay people are born that way. They didn't work at becoming gay. Fat people became fat because they would rather be that way than stop eating so much. They had to eat and eat to get fat.

Then, when they were fat they had to keep up the eating to stay fat. Those are the rules. I knew why I was getting fat. I knew what I was doing. Although Gervais — who lost a lot of weight last year — understands how difficult it can be to shift excess pounds, he still finds it funny to include jokes about fat people in his comedy sketches.

Do I think they eat too much? They eat too much if they want to be thin. The best food, health, entertainment and lifestyle content from the irishexaminer. In the Kitchen with. Video Series. Join Derval O'Rourke in her kitchen as she whips up the curry she makes every single week. My job is to be funny. No, not of course. Wrong forum! What I was saying is that any rational person listening in good faith probably believes that any subject is on the table for a joke.

I understand your point, and it is a fair question. My question is not about the Caitlyn Jenner-specific jokes. You build that bit out into this larger thing about transgender identification, and you get to a part about wanting to self-identify as a chimp named Bobo. Is that an instance in which the material was intellectually achieving what you wanted to achieve? That bit changes halfway through.

It was about a celebrity killing someone with their car. Of course, I rose to the bait. Then I get more and more spoiled and childish as the bit goes on. I become the idiot who believes that being transgender is the same as changing into a chimp. But I have to do the joke like I mean it for it to work. To connect this to something you said earlier: Was the audience laughing at the right thing there?

Some people are logical and get it. Oh, yeah, actual thing. Then I play with it and get things wrong within the joke. Why do transgender people seem like such ripe subject matter for you?

You might want to spend less time on social media. There are idiots on Twitter. But there are idiots on the High Street. Is that elision part of what bothers people? Well, exactly. But as long as I know the target and some people get it and agree with me, I think the jokes are justified. How much of that is you? I try to. I do ironic jokes in my social life. Whereas you do feel the need to explain jokes to strangers.

God, I would have been awful. Before I could do it, I had to learn to relate. Getting fat and old and ugly helped with that. He once said something about young, handsome people doing comedy, like, People are already looking at you; why do you need this? Do you need it? I do enjoy it. I approached it differently. Instead, I walked out with a can of beer and started talking about stuff, like I do on Twitter. It felt brilliant. The audience engaged straightaway. The other good thing about that special is that the audience has known me for 15 years.

So I could throw in self-referential things to get over my not being low status anymore. I talk about being fat and old and having descended testicles. Is the idea of being an outsider important to you? But I do have to be an outsider as host at the Golden Globes. Imagine if I went out and was nice to George Clooney?


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