Learn more about brain and spine tumor treatment at Edward-Elmhurst Health. Read related blogs: When headaches can be brain tumors What every parent should know about childhood concussions. Read More. If you have reached this screen, your current device or browser is unable to access the full Edward-Elmhurst Health Web site.

To see the full site, please upgrade your browser to the most recent version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. If you cannot upgrade your browser, you can remain on this site. Back to Healthy Driven Blog Home. Injuries cannot cause cancer, but an injury may lead to finding cancer in the injured area. For example, a bone that is weak from a cancerous tumour is more likely to break — and treating the broken bone could lead to the discovery of the cancer.

The Canadian Cancer Society is committed to sharing important information about cancer risk to Canadians and will continue to monitor research in this area.

In general, men are more likely than women to develop a brain tumor. However, some specific types of brain tumors, such as meningioma, are more common in women. Home and work exposures. Exposure to solvents, pesticides, oil products, rubber, or vinyl chloride may increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. However, there is not yet scientific evidence that supports this possible link. Family history. Studies are underway to try to find a cause for these clusters.

Exposure to infections, viruses, and allergens. In other research, high levels of a common virus called cytomegalovirus CMV have been found in brain tumor tissue. The meaning of this finding is being researched.

Several types of other viruses have been shown to cause brain tumors in research on animals. More data are needed to find out if exposure to infections, other viruses, or allergens increase the risk of a brain tumor in people. But the most important thing is to get information from a trusted source— for example our website and the NHS. One way of knowing if you can trust health information is by checking if the Patient Information Forum PIF has accredited it. The PIF makes sure that information is based on up to date evidence and is high quality.

You can read more about spotting fake news on cancer on our blog. Skip to main content. Can an injury or blow to the breast cause cancer? How does Cancer Research UK evaluate evidence? These are some of the things we consider: Did the study look at cells, animals or people?

DoNotPay allows you to manage and cancel all of your subscriptions and memberships, saving you time and money! Whenever you run into a suspicious email or website, generate a virtual credit card and proceed without worries. Our virtual cards also work like a charm if you want to avoid automatic payments after free trials. Besides helping you cancel your Epoch Payment account, our AI lawyer can help you avoid the hassle when dealing with various other issues.

With the DoNotPay app, you can conveniently:. Let DoNotPay solve this problem for me. We have helped over , people with their problems. Sit back and relax while we do the work. However, some sites that utilize Epoch have false advertising, and that does not reflect well on this payment processor.

If they don't check their merchant's quality, they can't care all that much about you as a customer. Sites using Epoch seem to offer better deals when you try to cancel about half or less of the original subscription rate , so if you intend to stay subscribed, you might be able… Read Full Review. Avoid this company!!! Be careful! Be very careful and avoid them , not honest in their approach. They are deceptive in one thing , be deceptive and fraudulently pulling money out of your account… Read Full Review.

Your complaint is not with Epoch. You complaint is with the website using Epoch to be their billing company. Epoch emails you a receipt that fully details the terms of your purchase and the terms are also always clearly stated on the purchase form. It's not Epoch you have a problem with. You can find out what this charge was for by contacting their support. I make a payment with them for 1. Becarefull with this company… Read Full Review. My MasterCard credit card works well with ccbill, paypal where I've tried so far, but it fails on rotten epoch.

Their support chat is for nothing, they have no clue and didn't help me… Read Full Review. Sometimes your credit card issuer will not allow transaction. One of my cards won't allow me to send cash via Western Union as an example. That is not always the case.

I myself have a line of credit through Paypal that I use so I don't have to give businesses such as Epoch my debit card information. Till about a week ago, Epoch accepted my payment from Paypal. Now it is declined by them Paypal says that Epoch cancelled the payment, while Epoch says it was declined. This is not on the credit issuer end, in my case Paypal, this is on Epoch's end. This company clearly states that they will not charge you at all and there are no hidden fees but when you put your cc info in to verify your age When ask how long they will hold my money, they states that they do not know and to contact my cc company.

Contact details stolen and credit card fraudulently used after epoch transaction. Notified them of breach didn't ask for refund, just thought the breach came from that transaction and after directing me away from email were totally rude, arrogant and unhelpful. After I suggested checking their protocols for a breach, the response in less than 5 seconds was that there was no breach from their side.

Simply didn't care if my user info was leaked from their site. Will avoid using in the future. Heavy delays. It was a downloadable product. I only got it because I hounded them on the status of my order. It was supposed to be immediate download delivery via email. Yeah I highly advise against it. Sometimes the billing is accurate. Other times it's not. Watch out for the little checkbox that is auto-checked when you sign up.

Also when you contact them they'll always say "We're just the biller. Then they refund if you stick to your guns. They really need to be above board but know some guys are too embarrassed to make a fuss. Not me. I'm not ashamed to call my credit card company and stop payment.

You should too and you'll not be scammed. Epoch works with thousands of websites and has done so for 20 years. We are accredited with the BBB, established with the card associations, and fully pass all PCI compliance standards each year. I'm sorry to hear you had a less than perfect experience. Payment was fine. They will claim that according to terms and conditions that they can't offer a refund. Just throw a little weight around. Here is an example of the refund process them: "sorry but according to the orders terms and conditions we can't issue a refund" Me: "I would really rather not escelate this with PayPal.

Have a wonderful day. I used the online chat to end fraudulent monthly "subscriptions". After giving only name, address and last 4 of CC, the online chat rep was helpful, offered to block future use of my CC by ANY merchant they service and offered to refund the last two transactions.

I had to specifically ask for it, but the rep also gave me the merchant names and subscription emails associated with my CC. I'll wait to see if all the promises come true so I don't have to replace my CC.

But, the online chat took only about 10 minutes and seemed legitimate without me divulging all my personal info. Thank you for sharing your experience. We take customer service very seriously because we represent not only our own processing services but also the merchants who use us. While we work hard to fight against fraudulent transactions, our customer service team will work with anyone whose card data has been compromised and used with a merchant for whom we process transactions.

Incredible articles, well instructed and orientated articles with conservatism ideas for the future of this Country. I just bought a iPad case off catch paid in full. I thought it was strange so looked the name up. And after seeing some of the comments on here I cancelled my card. I definitely didn't sign up with epoch or buy anything from them never heard of them until yesterday.

I guess the business I purchased the case from uses epoch. I don't know if sitejabber will print this review, but I love this paper! Epoch gives a more realistic reports and I love the diversity of the paper, especially the lifestyle and health section. Very great health articles which I've saved many of! I was going to cancel after the intro rate, but I like the paper so much that I kept it up! If you are still in possession of your card, it is very unlikely that it is a card hack: in this case, you have entered your bank details and have validated the GTC General Conditions of Sale which informed you about a possible subscription: blocking the card would therefore mean not honoring a contract for which you have signed up.

We therefore do not recommend blocking your credit card. The legal point : in March , the court of cassation accepted the culpable negligence of a customer who had transmitted his data to a fraudulent site. This is the reason why a banker may refuse to block your card if you are the originator of the subscription. You can leave here a testimony or any information that could help other Internet users to identify the sources of this s levy s and to stop it s. Your email address will not be displayed.

We recommend that you do not publish personal information last name, card number, etc. Your email address will not be published.

Local vs. Does transfer impaction affect you? To find out whether or not impaction affects you, take the following steps in the suggested order: 1.

Determine if you are a "local-area" or a "non-local area" applicant. If the majority of your transferable units come from post-secondary institutions outside CSUN's local area but still in California, you will be considered a "non-local-area" applicant.

Choose your major carefully. You will not be able to change it during the admission process. Impacted Majors For Fall , several undergraduate majors are impacted. Explore CSUN undergraduate majors. The list of impacted majors may change in future academic years. The impacted majors for Fall are listed below. Then, after successfully completing the pre-major program, students file for a change of major: 1. Kinesiology 8. Psychology Applicants to the following impacted major are required to pass an audition: 9.

Please note: Applicants who meet the minimum GPA for their group will be admitted. These impaction criteria have been set for Fall admission only and may vary for future admission cycles.

Cal State San Marcos accepts transfer applications only from upper-division transfer or readmission applicants who will have completed 60 or more transferable semester or 90 or more quarter units by the end of the spring semester for fall admission or summer for spring admission.

For spring admission, this means that courses taken in the fall semester may not be used to meet admission requirements. We do not accept transfer applications from lower-division students with fewer than 60 transferable semester units.

Transfer students meeting the following criteria will receive priority for available spaces:. A transfer applicant is considered to be in our local admissions area if they complete 12 units at Palomar, MiraCosta or Mt. San Jacinto. Units earned at other institutions during the same semesters will disqualify your local eligibility. Register 5 weeks or more before the test date 4.

Earn a qualifiable eligibility index. Non-local area applicants graduating from California schools outside the defined Local Admission Area must meet the higher eligibility index published at freshman impaction criteria.

Note: Space permitting, non-local area applicants will be admitted until the freshman class is full. It is possible that no non-local-area, first-time freshman applicants will be admitted if local applicants fill all available admission spaces.

Therefore, CSUN recommends applying to an additional, alternate campus. I am guessing the SAT score is for all 3 sections of the old test. Channel Islands and SF are probably other options.

Most have an environment that will allow you to build foundational knowledge and hone your study skills - which probably could use some polishing. I am local but i have one d in my second semester of pre calc. If the D is from 2nd semester, you do not get credit for Pre-Calc as an a-g course unless you repeat the course with a passing grade. Since you are local, you have priority thus a higher chance for an acceptance but since CSUN has been so impacted, this is not a guarantee.

Learn more about the Associate Degree for Transfer. General university admission is guaranteed to Mt. SAC students who meet one of the following requirements:. To sign up for the Guaranteed Program for Admission , start by building a transfer map. Students may sign up for the Guaranteed Program for Admission at any point while attending a participating California community college.

Equifax failed to block the fraudulent accounts and verified them as accurate. Barbara Williams v. Plaintiff had two medical collection accounts on her Equifax credit report. The accounts belong to her adult son form whom she is not responsible.

Plaintiff disputed the two inaccurate collections accounts with Equifax. Jermaine Cobbins v. The dealership acknowledged the error and the Plaintiff disputed the late payment on his auto loan to Equifax with a letter from the dealership. Despite the letter from the dealership Equifax verified that the Plaintiff made a late payment.

Plaintiff had no other late payments. Yandell v. Equifax and Hyundai. Plaintiff disputed the inaccurate information with Defendant Equifax.

As a result Plaintiff received a higher interest rate on a construction loan and is worried that the inaccurate information will not be corrected in the future. McCants v. Equifax and 21st Mortgage Company. She disputed to Equifax and both Equifax and 21st mortgage failed to correct this inaccurate information.

As a result she was denied and auto loan. LaPeruta v. Experian, TransUnion, Equifax and Navient. The inaccurate information is at least 2 accounts from Dept. Due to the faulty procedures of Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, the Plaintiff was mixed with at least one other consumer on her credit reports.

Plaintiff disputed the inaccurate information and it was not corrected by any of the bureaus. She was denied a mortgage. Pauline Odeyemi v. She disputed two fraudulent accounts with Equifax and included a police report and an identity theft affidavit.

Stefanie Jones v. Filing a lawsuit based on information you know to be wrong i. This chatbot is an extension of DoNotPay, a bot designed to get you out of parking tickets. The tool he created, while clearly well-intentioned, is nothing of the kind.

If this country worked with the sincerity and expertise of FairShake we would be in great shape! They got more done in a few weeks than I did in over two years. They are really a light for us in a very hard time. Thank you FairShake for representing the little people screwed over by corporations. I was having problems with the company for months. That you could make it resolved in a few days is wonderful. It's not right what Big Business can get away with if we let them.

People need to know someone is out there to help! Tell us your complaint against Equifax. The qualifier. The first limit is the type of compensation you can ask for. So anything that went wrong, any damages that you and your dad have to be converted into a dollar value. The second is the limit of that dollar value. The demand letter. Lisa Stockard Peachtree Street, NW Atalnta, GA If you would like examples of demand letters or more information about how to write them, you can find an excellent guide here.

The court forms. If nothing happens as a result of the demand letter now you move forward with the process to sue Equifax in small claims court by filling out some paperwork. The filing. The hearing. Take your complaint beyond customer service and get a real resolution.

Younger children are more flexible than older people and starting ballet early means they can work on their flexibility and develop it as they grow. The emphasis in Beginners Ballet for the Younger Years is on having lots of fun whilst learning.

The emphasis in these classes should be on developing the movements and learning the basic steps so each student can at least achieve the ability to perform in a dance number. Also important for adults is to maintain and develop flexibility and motion as well as core strength. Starting ballet can happen at any age, just keep your expectations realistic and dance for the love of it and your own self-development.

If you've ever wondered about how important good eating habits are in the world of Ballet, we've got two Ballet is one of the oldest forms of organized dancing, originating in the Italian Renaissance courts back in the Ballet is an intricate art that can be overwhelming for beginners. Dance as an activity has several unique benefits to youth education and development that go far beyond physical skill development.

Dance education for children ages provides students with opportunities and key skills for social, mental, and physical development that sets them up for success throughout their lives.

Not only do we wish to grow dancers technically; it is also our goal to train these dancers into caring, supportive individuals. Combined, this is one-fourth of all the bones in your body! All those muscles, tendons, and ligaments working together to allow your feet to move. So… why are feet so important to talk about? Ballet teaches us, as audience members, to appreciate a specific definition of technique, narrative, and aesthetic. All of these values can intersect in the world of contemporary dance, which often leaves audiences… not knowing what to think.

This is prime season for our bodies to get sick, and interfere with any plans we have ahead of us. We hope everyone has has a wonderful start to the season! Now is a perfect time to remind our students and parents of a few things that help us keep things running as smoothly as possible.

We appreciate your help and understanding. Something many of us dancers face a daily struggle with is making the perfect bun. Competitive Comp Music Teachers. Benefits of Dance on Early Childhood Development. Happy Feet. This is more than just body shape or size, this is about natural turnout, natural feet arch, hyperextension, etc.

You don't need any of these things to learn ballet, or even to become a professional, but they certainly can help. In fact, I would say they are more important than 'having the typical body' of a ballet dancer, unless those are the things you meant. Next let's talk about training. So most young adults training to become ballet dancers are doing many hours a day of 6 days a week training, plus rehearsals, conditioning, and other styles of dance classes. They have been training intensively for many years.

You can't fast forward through this process. Basically, in order to even be considered by a company you would have to do at least 6 more years of very intensive training. This is going to be time consuming and expensive. You might be able to work part time, but it would not cover all of your tuition and rent, so you'll need to have financial support from someone else. Also, the type of school you train at is very important, there are lots of dance studios that are not 'preprofessional' and are not equipped to prepare you for a career in ballet.

Okay, so let's say you do have been blessed with a good natural facility and have the financial means for the training you need. Let's say it's going to take the next 6 years of training and maybe if you're lucky you'll technically be on par with the other dancers at auditions. To stand out you'll need to be a great artist too.

Does this mean you'll be able to find a job as a dancer? The job market for female ballet dancers is extremely oversaturated and competitive, so many amazing, hardworking, gifted dancers never find contracts. Think about how often people go to see a ballet, it is not that common, there's very little money going into the market and therefore very few jobs, but there are a lot of dancers who want to dance.

So are you prepared to spend all this time and money for the next 6 years, to dedicate your life to ballet, for like a maybe 0. Is that even feasible for you? I know this sounds really tough but it is just supposed to be realistic. Here's the thing, I love to dance, but I have no reason to want a career in ballet.

I dance as much as I can afford and perform in the recitals and live my best life and I am happy. I advise the same thing to you, work hard and dance as much as you can afford.

Your teachers will notice your hard work and maybe open up a conversation about preparing for auditions. If it works out for you, then that's great, you'll be an exception. But don't count on making it as a professional ballet dancer, because that isn't realistic, people train their whole lives and don't get hired.

The biggest issue right now with the 3G is power management PMU on the wiki , which isn't fully functional. Most importantly, suspend isn't yet working, so your battery won't likely last long. It's still come a long way from where it's been in the past, though, and having followed this project excitedly for a while, the progress they've made in recent weeks has been really impressive. Regarding a few nuts and bolts: Your iPhone's lock button acts as the Android back button; the iPhone home button acts as the Android menu button; the iPhone's volume down button acts as the Android home button; and the iPhone's volume up button acts as I'm not really sure what.

To lock the screen, press the iPhone's home and lock buttons at the same time. To power off, hold the lock and home buttons for a couple of seconds until the Power Off prompt appears. You can see a few other operating quirks by watching the video above. As you can see in the video, performance isn't perfect it's occasionally a little laggy , but again, with time, that could change significantly. Either way, the iDroid project—along with OpeniBoot and Bootlace—is something I remain extremely excited about.

As a long-time iPhone user and recent Android switcher, the main thing that sets the two apart for me is the iPhone hardware, which always feels head and shoulders above whatever Android device I put my hands on. I know a lot of people including myself who'd kill to dual boot an iPhone 4 with iOS and Android. In fact, if you really want to help out, you can donate to the iDroid Project by clicking the Donate button on the top right of the iDroid Project's main page and maybe speed things along.

If you've been playing around with Android on your iPhone, let's hear about it in the comments. Ready to transfer to iOS? Then tap Move Data from Android. If you already finished setup, you need to erase your iOS device and start over. If you don't want to erase, just transfer your content manually. On your Android device, open the Move to iOS app. Tap Continue, and read the terms and conditions that appear. To continue, tap Agree.

Then wait for a ten-digit or six-digit code to appear. If your Android device shows an alert that you have a weak internet connection, you can ignore the alert.

Your iOS device will create a temporary Wi-Fi network. When asked, tap Connect to join that network on your Android device. Then wait for the Transfer Data screen to appear. On your Android device, select the content that you want to transfer and tap Continue. Then—even if your Android device shows that the process is complete—leave both devices alone until the loading bar that appears on your iOS device finishes. The whole transfer can take a while, depending on how much content you're moving.

Here's what gets transferred: contacts, message history, camera photos and videos, photo albums, files and folders, accessibility settings, display settings, web bookmarks, mail accounts, and calendars.

If they're available on both Google Play and the App Store, some of your free apps will also transfer. Any impact on battery, performance, or other components is unknown. Please use caution in installing and using this version. Follow NakedSecurity on Twitter for the latest computer security news. I cannot believe how much laughter this article brought me. Being of the mindset that every Apple already has a worm in it, this only helped me find yet another reason to laugh at all those lemmings who wait for 48 hrs in the rain for Apples latest cash grab.

Because it has tens of thousands of more apps. Because its not going to slow your phone down for battery issues Because it will take advantage of the hardware more, given that there is more software that will Because IOS is extremely limited.

Android offers an open ecosystem and exponentially more features, and potential features. Thats why IOS lost so much and continues to lose in all spaces.

Its just not a feasible purchase anymore. All Apple products are, aesthetics and hardware. But again that hardware is never really used. Every porting project begins all in red, fanboi chumps!!! What idiots. This is great news. May actually turn the iPhone into a real phone! Lot of morons on here apparently. Android is a dumpster fire when it comes to security and you idiots are paying a company for the privilege of selling your data.

Get your fool heads in check.

I am overwhelmed with all the beautiful, positive emotions. Another win on Sunday will give Djokovic a record 37th Masters title to move one clear of fellow time Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal.

The top-ranked Serb has also reached a record-extending seventh final here, where he faces Russian Daniil Medvedev after losing to him in straight sets in the U. Open final two months ago.

Djokovic had not played since. Second-seeded Medvedev routed No. They are now overall. The year-old Russian plays surprise package Frenchman Hugo Gaston in a quarter-final later on Friday. Should Gaston— who won seven games in a row from down to win the second set and the match against Spanish teenager Carlos Alcaraz on Thursday— beat Medvedev, Djokovic would be assured of finishing the year as number one for a record seventh time.

The other quarter-final pits last year's finalist, Olympic champion Alexander Zverev, against Norway's six-seeded Casper Ruud. The match brings together the only two players to have won five titles apiece this year, that feat propelling Ruud to a first ever ATP Finals appearance for a Norwegian player.

You lose by default due to story reasons. User Info: shadowysea You say I only hear what I want to. And now that I am leaving I know I did something wrong cuz I missed you. User Info: Arrei. It's better than letting you win and then contorting the story to still make you lose. It's not like they can let you win this one in this scenario, and then throw a second unwinnable battle directly afterward like in Symphonia. Arrei posted But unwinnable boss battles aren't pointless.

They've always served to show the player that you're up against someone much stronger than the character you're playing as. And in this scenario it's driving home the massive change that Hubert has gone through over seven years. It's better to make you actually see your loss in gameplay, rather than letting you win and making you lose in the following cutscene. That just invalidates your victory.

User Info: Regurk. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Boards Tales of Graces f Hubert Battle 2. User Info: SniperWolfX. I am a Sniper. My scope is my world, Everything around it remains nothing. One shot is all it takes. One shot one kill. User Info: magnum You get Skits for winning.

The balance of bacteria in your vagina is important in keeping you, and your reproductive tract, healthy. The symptoms can range from a fishy or unpleasant odor to itching, discomfort, and inflammation 1. In many cases, the most significant impact of symptomatic BV is emotional and social, especially for people whose BV returns multiple times despite treatment. Discussing this research, we realized that many of us at Clue had experienced BV. Here are some of our stories:.

I was so confused and panicked, I called my partner immediately and he was very calm and supportive. I took the prescription at night before going to sleep for about 5 or 6 days.

The treatment was successful. One day, my vulva started itching a lot, and during the following days it only worsened. So I told my mom and she brought me to her gynecologist. It was my first gynecological visit ever! This places a woman at increased risk for getting BV. We also do not know how sex contributes to BV. There is no research to show that treating a sex partner affects whether or not a woman gets BV. Doctors and scientists do not completely understand how BV spreads.

There are no known best ways to prevent it. Pregnant women can get BV. Pregnant women with BV are more likely to have babies born premature early or with low birth weight than pregnant women without BV. Low birth weight means having a baby that weighs less than 5. A health care provider will examine your vagina for signs of vaginal discharge. Your provider can also perform laboratory tests on a sample of vaginal fluid to determine if BV is present.

BV will sometimes go away without treatment. But if you have symptoms of BV you should be checked and treated. Sometimes, having bacterial vaginosis may lead to:. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version.

Overview Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vaginal inflammation caused by the overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in the vagina, which upsets the natural balance. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Bacterial vaginosis — CDC fact sheet. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your doctor prescribes metronidazole you will need to:. Your doctor can prescribe a vaginal cream such as clindamycin if you are unable to take metronidazole.

Clindamycin is applied to the vagina for seven nights. Even after treatment, about half of the women with BV will get the condition back within six to 12 months. Treating the male partner of an infected woman does not seem to reduce the risk of recurrence, but further research is being done in this area. Most cases of BV appear to be associated with sexual activity.

Condoms have been shown to protect against infection, and safe sexual practices are recommended for all women, regardless of the gender of their partners. This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Androgen deficiency in women and its treatment is controversial, and more research is needed. Anthrax is a rare but potentially fatal bacterial disease that occasionally infects humans. The Western obsession with cleanliness may be partly responsible for the increase in allergic asthma and conditions such as rhinitis.

Careful prescribing of antibiotics will minimise the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Aspergillus is a fungus that commonly grows on rotting vegetation. It can cause asthma symptoms. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only.

We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Get promoted.

In Lyrics. By Artist. By Album. Listen online. Year: 81 Views Playlists: 1. Discuss these Young Love Lyrics with the community: 0 Comments.

Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Powered by CITE. We need you! Help build the largest human-edited lyrics collection on the web!

Add Lyrics. Together forever. Sounds like one of his Jewish producers gave him a song to do about "Roni" probably his daughter or some woman he wanted to impress he was just serving his jew masters. By the Holy spirit my Heart belongs to Queen Robyn. I love you Baby! God Bless You Beautiful. Y'all can not front all the women love this song. Then both of you make love or eat. The truth about Roni She's a sweet little girl If you treat her right Real nice and hold her tight.

Lois O-A. Khmer Wolf. Kurt Adams. Teariki Goodwin-Nonu. Bubble Gum McGee. Yong Lightning. Tash Watson. Tyler Riley. Pete Clemenza. Sonja Brantley. Gabriel Jackson. Just Suzie. Joshua Leonard. Aaron Creagh. Jonathan Nurse. Cato Heath. Roman Robinson. Melody Vaughn. Angel Wright. Sherma-Jacqueline Felix.

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Thoughts on Industrial Computing. Or sometimes economics or music or trail runnning or carpentry. Employee of Datto.

Proud New Englander and Schaghticoke. Site is my own. Menu Skip to content Home About. Search for:. But it works, dammit. When I was working on my environment, I was seeing the following in a packet trace when attempting remote nslookups: ICMP Destination unreachable Host administratively prohibited Local worked fine.

Pinging the IP worked fine. But dig? Introducing your newest Linux security nemesis… Firewalld. Jun 23 dns. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Pro tip, install the bash-completion package, then firewall-cmd will be very easy to use or systemctl, or journalctl, … Like Like. Nice tips there! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here There's not much reason or benefit of a default 0.

It's not security vs usability, since the intended use-case is clear. Makes a great k8s for appliances - develop your IoT apps for k8s and deploy them to MicroK8s on your boxes. That probably means the api binding to 0. I'd welcome your thoughts? The default should be secure but also configurable - localhost. Then it should provide the option to bind to 0. Thank you all for your input. Those of you who had a bad user experience please accept my appologies. We all want to have this issue resolved; to do so we need to move forward with PR StephanX , thank you for presenting the low-security approach.

I would really appreciate if you could deploy MicroK8s from channel 1. The security issues are always a concern. I have to thank you, because by speaking out loud you give us the oportunity to improve MicroK8s. Using localhost for everything sounds OK. I've been using microk8s exclusively in local VMs to get a more repeatable network environment as a result of that bug, which also mitigates exposure to the bind issue.

I tried installing 1. Several issues I found:. Tried installing a helm chart and also got a dial tcp I see in PR 88 it is refering to a static password file for access.

Thats fine for user access, but what about appapp? Binding to localhost is better but you are still vulnerable to dns rebinding attacks. Can this be a unix socket file like how docker does it? If not can it be secured using actual credentials? Closing this since insecure port was bound to Skip to content. Star 5.

New issue. Jump to bottom. Linked pull requests. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 11 months ago. Active 5 months ago. Viewed times. Improve this question. Dave M. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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It is difficult to identify such people as from their exterior appearance they seem quite harmless and kind. No surprises, there are still many unsolved cases of serial murders, and this means many serial killers are at present roaming freely being unsuspected across the world. However, it is also true that digitization of criminal records and better investigation technologies are helping the investigation officers to detect the pattern of killing used in different murders and establish whether a crime is the job of a serial killer or not.

As a disturbed childhood is quite common in the profile of such killers, it is important to make sure every child is receiving love and care from his or her caregivers at home. Serial killers can be hard to identify, and many may escape being caught. Khushboo Sheth December 22 in World Facts. Olympic Games History. Southeast Asian Countries. Even today, his identity remains unknown.

View Books on California Crime. The data reveals a total of known serial killings took place in Washington State, with 95 individual serial cases. Like other states on this list, a number of notorious serial killers caught the attention of the nation.

Robert Lee Yates, a former prison guard and later a helicopter pilot for the United States Army, murdered 16 women between His conviction for the murders of 49 women in the s and s gives him the chilling distinction of having the most confirmed murders of any American serial killer. Compared to other states, Oregon has a relatively low rate of violent crime per capita. In fact, with violent incidents reported per year for every , citizens, it is overall one of the least violent states in the country.

However, while statistics show Oregon as a generally peaceful place to live, serial killings occur with more frequency per capita in this state than almost anywhere else in the nation.

Serial killings occur in Oregon at the rate of 7. While a great majority of serial murderers use firearms, there is a high rate of strangulations in this state, with a total of 52 people who died in this manner. Louisiana is known for many things: food, Mardi Gras, jazz music — and serial killers. The total number of serial killings in the state stands at or 7. From to , Louisiana averaged A number of factors combined to result in this rate of homicide.

The Axeman of New Orleans , as named by the press in the early 20 th century, terrorized the city from , breaking into houses and murdering people in their sleep with an axe. The letter also stated that another victim would be murdered at A.

M on the night of March 19 th , but provided the caveat that the murderer would pass by any home where the residents played jazz. On the night of the 19 th , the residents of New Orleans packed every home and dance hall with jazz bands, and the night passed with no murders. He committed his final murder in October, before disappearing into the night.

The United States has produced a large number of serial killers, ranging from the brutal to the prolific. Though you can pinpoint certain regions as having a higher instance of serial murderers, they seem to happen all over the country.

However, many others are not even been arrested for their inhumane acts. Out of these, few used to kill a number of girls after keeping them hostage. The killers were raised in the environment where they developed complexes regarding their masculinity and sexuality which ultimately drove them to kill hundreds of innocents from opposite gender.

Canada has the history of most convicted serial murderers though country provides enough stability to its residents yet many raised to be a killer. The total number of convicted killers according to the recent figures happens to be One of these proved that serial killers can belong to any socio-economic background as he was a billionaire who killed a sum of 49 women, aiming to score an even of He kept his undercover pose to trap women and girls of young ages.

According to the recent statistics, French history is known to 17 convicted serial killers who were the most notorious killers of all times. Back in his days, it was almost impossible to trace and catch such serial murderers due to the inadequacy of the investigation tools. The number of convicted serial killers identified by police is around South African history has seen a number of such killers who killed many to quench their thirst of pleasure.

One of these murderers almost killed 38 individual and raped almost 40 women in a very short span of period. The way they had killed their victims has made it impossible for the dead bodies to be identified later on. The presence of serial killers in a society doesn't just require the killer him- or herself, it also requires a particular set of circumstances that University of Alberta professor of sociology and criminology Kevin Haggerty argues via the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies have only appeared in modern times.

One of his requirements for the birth — and success — of serial killers is one that should sound familiar in 21st century America: a "society of strangers. Haggerty says that for centuries, people were born in, lived in, and died in the same area, surrounded by the same people that they'd known their entire lives. And that's still the case in some countries. More recently, the rise of city centers has caused a few things to happen, including the mass movement of people to urban areas, and the faceless anonymity that comes with being surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of strangers on a daily basis.

Imagine, for a minute, the big cities of the US. New York City in particular lauds itself on the hustle and bustle of thinly veiled chaos, where literally millions of people shove their way past each other every day. Serial killers thrive on what Haggerty calls "routinized impersonal encounters," and the fact that these encounters happen all the time, every day, in cities — and towns, and villages — across the US make for prime hunting grounds where serial killers can pick and choose their victims.

World Atlas suggests there's a super simple reason that there's so many more serial killers in the US and the UK than in other countries, and that's because their law enforcement agencies are simply better at keeping records, reporting crimes, and linking murders that are committed by the same person. There is likely something to the theory: countries like Russia, for example, would probably have much higher numbers if serial killers were more likely to be reported on a global scale.

It seems like that's something that should be reported, but experts also suggest publicizing these killers is something of a double-edged sword that's given rise to the so-called celebrity serial killer. According to University of Alberta professor of sociology and criminology Kevin Haggerty via the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies , the real rarity of serial killers gets a little lost thanks to how often they show up in the media and pop culture.

People across the country read everything they can about the Golden State Killer , they wonder if they'll be the one to crack the codes and clues left by the Zodiac Killer , and referred to Ted Bundy pictured, in court as handsome.

Serial killers are no longer only about their actions, they're about the cult of personality: America's mass media and pop culture landscape have made serial killing a legit route to fame and celebrity status, and that's a very strange thing, indeed.

Author and historian Peter Vronsky has been studying the cultural and environmental factors that contribute to the development of serial killers since his own literal brush with one: he walked past Richard Cottingham, the Butcher of Times Square, as he was leaving a motel where he'd committed a double murder.

Vronsky suggests via CrimeReads that there were several periods in American history that were perfect for laying the groundwork — and the troubled childhoods — of future serial killers. The first was the Great Depression, and he points to the sheer number of killers who were born at the tail end of it, including John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson pictured , and Henry Lee Lucas. Vronsky says that there's two parts to the story, and first, there's the complete disintegration of the social structure that America had been built on.

For generations, men had been the breadwinners of the family, there had been clear divides between the haves and the have-nots, and everyone knew just what place they occupied. But then, World War I sent broken soldiers suffering from countless undiagnosed and untreated mental issues back to America, where they tried to build something resembling a family Men like Gacy and Manson were born into those families thrown completely in turmoil In other words, victims. Author and historian Peter Vronsky says via CrimeReads that there's a few things that happened around the war years to help give rise to America's golden age of serial killers, starting with a phenomenon that was a repeat of what happened during World War I: men with untreated mental illness who returned from the war to try to start a family, while dealing — alone — with all they'd seen and done.

Future serial killers like Ted Bundy, Edmund Kemper pictured , Dennis Rader, and William Bonin were just a few born in the immediate post-war years, and Vronsky argues that it was a difficult way to grow up. In addition to growing up under the oppressive weight of trauma that families just didn't talk about, pop culture was changing, too. Film noir — and a group of movies that The New York Times described as "homicidal" put that violence front and center for young people already struggling, and young men grew up watching — and experiencing — a gender shift, too.

The village is called Nikolaevsk. They separated to protest changes in the church imposed by the patriarch. The patriarch is the highest-ranking Bishop in the Russian Orthodox religion. Mother Irina Fefelova is a member of the Old Believers church. She is the widow of Kondrat Fefelov, an Old Believers priest.

She said the introduction of communism in Russia made it difficult for the Old Believers to continue their traditions and lifestyle. Our people were used to having big families, the same as we do now. At the time, Old Believers feared arrest. Many left Russia and crossed the border into China. Fefelova herself was born in China. And then life turned bad again with communists. Our parents escaped from communists — ran from Russia to China, and then we left China for the same reason.

Later, they moved to the northwestern U. Some members of the Old Believers settled in Oregon. Others, like Fefelova, continued on to Alaska. For their part, Alaska Natives claimed that they still had title to the territory as its original inhabitants and having not lost the land in war or ceded it to any country — including the U.

Still, Natives were denied U. During that time, Alaska Natives had no rights as citizens and could not vote, own property or file for mining claims. The Bureau of Indian Affairs, in conjunction with missionary societies, in the s began a campaign to eradicate indigenous languages , religion, art, music, dance, ceremonies and lifestyles.

Alaska finally became a state in , when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Alaska Statehood Act , allotting it million acres of the territory. That came after a Land Claims Task Force that I chaired gave the state ideas about how to resolve the issue. Seward, the man who eventually brought democracy and the rule of law to Alaska.

Portsmouth Climate Festival — Portsmouth, Portsmouth. Edition: Available editions United Kingdom. Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in. Denali is the highest peak in North America, and the tussle over its name symbolizes the U.

Iggiagruk Hensley , University of Alaska Anchorage. Author William L. Russia Alaska Alaska Natives. The surviving crew fixed the ship, stocked it full of hundreds of the sea otters, foxes and fur seals that were abundant there and returned to Siberia, impressing Russian fur hunters with their valuable cargo. This prompted something akin to the Klondike gold rush years later. Russians in Alaska — who numbered no more than at their peak — faced the reality of being half a globe away from St.

Petersburg, then the capital of the empire, making communications a key problem. Also, Alaska was too far north to allow for significant agriculture and therefore unfavorable as a place to send large numbers of settlers. They sent ships to what is now California, established trade relations with the Spaniards there and eventually set up their own settlement at Fort Ross in Not long after, the Russians began to seriously question whether they could continue their Alaskan colony as well.

For starters, the colony was no longer profitable after the sea otter population was decimated. Then there was the fact that Alaska was difficult to defend and Russia was short on cash due to the costs of the war in Crimea. In the s, the United States had expanded its interests to Oregon, annexed Texas, fought a war with Mexico and acquired California. Afterward, Secretary of State Seward wrote in March Almost 20 years after expressing his thoughts about expansion into the Arctic, Seward accomplished his goal.

In Alaska, the Americans foresaw a potential for gold, fur and fisheries, as well as more trade with China and Japan. The Americans worried that England might try to establish a presence in the territory, and the acquisition of Alaska — it was believed — would help the U.

Just in terms of wealth, the U. Bering sails through the strait, which now bears his name, but does not reach the Alaska coast. Russian explorers and traders return and begin mass hunting of sea otters for pelts, the beginning of a Russian fur trading industry based in Alaska that became the mainstay of the Alaska colonial economy for much of the rest of the century.

Russian explorer and commander Stephan Glotov lands on Unimak Island and hears the Aleut natives refer to the land as Alyaska or Alyeska, which became the basis for the name Alaska. Russian explorers land on the mainland on the Alaska Peninsula.

Fighting between Russians and Aleuts. Russian settlement established at Unalaska. Russian fur trading company established by Siberian merchant and shipbuilder Grigori Shelikov.

Russian settlement established on Kodiak Island. Gerasim Pribilof discovers fur seal rookeries on Bering Sea islands now named for him. Shelikov hires Alexander Baranof to manage his Alaska trading operations. Russian Orthodox Church established on Kodiak Island. Russian Czar Paul I signs decree chartering the Russian-American company as a monopoly to handle Russia's trade in its American colony and to administer Russian activities in Alaska.

Battles between Russians and Indians in Sitka.