Why does tekkit say update failed
Help, failed to login, bad login name? My server wont let me login, it keeps saying bad login name. I was on it last night and nothing has changed since yesterday. I can't get onto my server either. Since I have a mojang. I thought maybe I'm being hacked. Unfortunately, I get an error whenever I try to login.
That isn't even the bad part. Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. Active 7 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 6k times. Improve this question. Pops Pops 21 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Hi Pops, is there any more info you can give us? Some packs might not even load - on my netbook, I can't play Tekkit at all. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Zycro talk , September 28, UTC. I made this from the MAtmos website. It seems to be their "logo.
Tiwuno talk , September 28, UTC. Is there any way to pump lava from nether to the normal world to power my Geothermal generators? Hello there, fellas. I just finished my first tutorial. For anyone who is interested in Nether Energy And I saw some questions about that can check it out here:. Perhaps there should be a All Wiki Activity Box on the front page to show both talk and page updates. Would help show the community of the wiki.
Like the following:. Hey guys this is Rossco21 and if any of you know any good tekkit servers message me or comment on this your minecraft name and the Ip of the server and I will try to see if i can go on it :D. Rossco21 talk , November 27, UTC. Hii i am looking for someone who while help me with tekkit or team who i can yoin : I had my server and we can play :.
My friends in the server and I have red matter armor. Somehow he can hurt me with the rm katar but i cant hurt him. Can someone tell me the key bind to hurt him. This made me wonder why there isn't a Bugs section at the end of pages.
It seems to be a good idea when you look at the Minecraft Wiki, and I think would work quite well here, too! What I am suggesting is that there should be a way to put jet packs, mining lasers, force field projectors, and other stuff into the armors to make it a little more convenient when playing PS. Might need to look into it. Hi guys, I just found this thing on tekkit, it is this wierd temple thing. I will post some screenshots of it. If anyone can tell me what it is would be greatly appreciated.
Notamungus talk , April 20, UTC. Does anyone know or have a good tekkit server I could join. If not would someone know how to make one? I would like to play multiplayer. Possibly a town or community where everyone would have a house, and town would supply energy. Thank you! How can i download this page for offline use? I am curently working on a smaller server for and my freinds and I Also i use luinix zorin and i run my launch.
If not, are there any mods which can accomplish this conversion? I'm wondering how you would add an image to the template "Objectinfo. I've recently found several pages on this wiki that only have a recipe for an in-game item, in addition to a link to the actual item's page.
I'm curious if these pages actually have a need, or if they should just be deleted. Do you need to have installed Tekkit on your computer to go play on a Tekkit server?
I am thinking of starting a Tekkit server.