Why is 1517 a significant date

A number of princes and other supporters of Luther issued a protest, declaring that their allegiance to God trumped their allegiance to the emperor. They became known to their opponents as Protestants; gradually this name came to apply to all who believed the Church should be reformed, even those outside Germany. By the time Luther died, of natural causes, in , his revolutionary beliefs had formed the basis for the Protestant Reformation, which would over the next three centuries revolutionize Western civilization.

But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Harry Houdini, the most celebrated magician and escape artist of the 20th century, dies of peritonitis in a Detroit hospital.

Twelve days before, Houdini had been talking to a group of students after a lecture in Montreal when he commented on the strength of his stomach muscles Congress quickly admits Nevada as the 36th state in the Union. Email Address. Your email address will not be published.

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It would probably have been pasted to the door rather than nailed up. Peter Marshall would go even further. There was very little discussion of the nailing of the Theses before the first Reformation anniversary of Memorials, whether state-led, socially constructed or personal, often do more than simply commemorate an anniversary. Over the centuries, that date has been seen in a number of different ways.

During the th anniversary in , for example, the First World War was raging. Over the following decades, the image was co-opted for different political ends. This time last year, on the th anniversary, Pope Francis joined leaders of the Lutheran World Federation in Sweden to hold a joint service in a spirit of unity after years of division. Elizabeth I succeeds to the English throne, and after agreeing a Settlement of Religion with parliament in , ends decades of religious uncertainty in England by maintaining the settlement throughout her year reign.

Crucially nevertheless, she insists on keeping not just bishops, but cathedrals as functioning church institutions. The question has never been resolved. It has achieved much in restoring self-confidence and structure to the old western church after the buffeting of the Reformation. Catholicism, because of Portuguese and Spanish overseas expansion and activity in America, Africa and Asia, becomes the first worldwide religion, decisively backed by military power against other religions wherever the Spanish and Portuguese authorities are able to assert themselves.

Virginia is happy to establish an official religion that is a version of the established Church of England. A synod assembly of the Dutch Reformed Church meets at Dordrecht Dort to settle formulations on what the church believes about the means of salvation, after violent theological and political controversy has given victory to those proclaiming a strict scheme of belief in divine predestination.

Representatives of other Reformed churches attend, including from England, so this synod is the nearest thing to an international meeting that the always fragmented Reformed churches ever achieve. It sets narrow boundaries on the identity of Reformed Protestantism.

Not all Reformed Protestants accept this, and drift in radical, less confined directions — always a tendency in Reformed Protestant belief.


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