Why is stephenie meyer such a bad writer
Rolzup Dinoczar Validated User. I've not read the Twilight books, and have no intention of starting any time soon. Is Meyer's writing really that bad, or did someone make that up?
Because honestly, if her writing IS like that, I'm even more boggled by the phenomena. Apparently I like like Oscar Wilde. How strange. Sabermane Proud Fianna knight of hope and peace Validated User.
Unpolished, not the best timing, and dull--the greatest sin of writers everywhere. Part of the problem is her voice is supposed to be every tween girl ever, making it bland and vanilla, but that's not the core of it. But then again, I don't think Stephan King is actually a very good writer, either. But he tells some stories and knows his audience. Cue the defensive comments below. But you know what? Stephenie writes some weird sentences. No, Stephenie. Finish the thought and be done with it already.
The dark road was the hardest part; the bright lights at the airport in Florence made it easier, as did the chance to brush my teeth and change into clean clothes; Alice bought Edward new clothes, too, and he left the dark cloak on a pile of trash in an alley.
These are not well-placed semicolons. The smattering of commas thrown in for good measure does not help. And then the novel sold like hotcakes. It strikes a nerve with girls and then word of mouth turns it into a monster best seller. An author in possession of a monster best seller has a lot more power.
She can say no. She can say STET. And girls were clamoring for the next book. Your stories are interesting, but the writing is sub-par. Let us help. As an addendum, how much of their success is due to their own petitioning? Having seen Stephenie Meyer talk, and having witnessed her clipped and hustling delivery, I can easily imagine her pushing her own cause with zeal. I seem to remember hearing that she sent her manuscript 15 different ways and lucked out with one of them.
Do low quality writers get accepted through attrition? A heartfelt plea Susan and one that as a former management consultant who writes for fun but has always fallen out with publishers and walked away, I am perhaps more qualified that people who work in the publishing industry to answer.
In my experience people in publishing do not understand the business they are in. Not long ago in a thread on this site Jaimie was talking about the need to cut all unnecessary verbage from texts because publishers are bound by contracts and deals with Amazon etc. What the thread told me however is that the publishing industry think they are in the business of selling paper. His point was the same, books are about ideas, not words and pages and we can become familiar with the ideas and theme of a book without have read it.
Therefore it should not matter if a book is fifty or five hundred pages, stationers are in the business of selling paper, newspaper, directory and non fiction publishers are in thebusiness of selling information, fiction and biography publishers are in the business of selling stories and ideas. Writers like Stephanie Meyer whom I have not read get published because they sell paper.
I hope that gives you a few ideas to think about Ian — You have a couple things wrong here. Petitioning, as you call it, had nothing to do with it. Nagging gets you nowhere. The way Meyer talks has nothing to do with it.
Contact with the publishing house would have been handled by an agent, not by Meyer. Regarding quality, you might read my post about Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, the tribe has spoken, the fat lady has sung, and […]. People, if you can do better, DO IT then.
Making a ton of money a is not always a mark of success, and b certainly no guarantee of a quality product. I just came across this post and i am shocked to see how a professional blogger or writer as you call yourself , who has so many admirers to comment under your post -could write so harshly about an author.
Ofcourse thats a huge success. I swear i came across twilight when i was in college but hardly had time to read. But now being aspirant writer i am finding inspirations for me to enter this writing world.
Such harsh blogs on even famous writers makes people like us shrink to corner and far afraid to write further. Please encourage people and be happy when someone succeeds. Envying on others success is not gonna fetch you anything. At least I have the courage of my convictions and my real name.
If you really are an aspiring writer, read something worthy of emulating. I did read carefully and typed these words from my heart what i felt. It doesnt mean i need to read your entire blog just to comment in this section.
Hopefully let me come across some other emulating post of yours in future. But Midnight Sun drives home how much Stephenie […]. When the first book came out a friend and I had a discussion about how horribly written it was. I read page one and felt the urge to pluck my eyeballs out. Editors are jaded. No one has to be the best writer in the world to sell books, to create a great story. This is what Stephanie Meyer did. This person critiquing is like a lot of people I have seen post about the books and tear them apart.
Well this is my opinion, if and when you sell as many books as Stephanie Meyer has and had them made into movies then your opinion might count. Her editor made her do many rewrites.
The last book she wrote completely over because the first offering her editor thought was too sexy for the audience they wanted to attract; teens and young adults. It was refreshing to see a new take on vampires. I have read many fiction books on the topic and hers were unique to a degree. All the writers were on the same level. They have to resonate with people and Ms. I have found she did a lot of research and included real places in her books she fictionalized.
I do the same thing. I like her writing and her stories and that is all that matters. People bought the books and read them. My daughter was in management at a movie chain when the films were released and she said there were people of all ages at every opening and they filled several theaters.
I see no reason to continue to insult or critique Ms. At the risk of repeating myself, this is a hodge-podge of straw man woman?
Making a lot of money a is not always a mark of success, and b certainly no guarantee of a quality product. Come back when you can put a coherent thought in writing. The author wrote a story of love and passion. It is a work of fiction and therefore make-believe.
One either enjoys the experience or not, and it matters not a jot whether it is grammatically perfect or otherwise. Reading is for pleasure and it is subjective. Go through some others on the craft of writing. They may enjoy what they read for WORK. They may not. She's obviously entertained millions of people world wide and I think that was her sole purpose. What do I think about her writing? I have no problems with it. I understand that the Twilight books weren't works of literary genius, and I do laugh at many parts of them.
But she did capture the essence of teenage angst and first love. And that is where her strength lies. I mean, when I was Bella's age, I definitely felt some of the same things she did in the books.
I have very much matured since then, but I can't hate the characters just because they are young and dumb, haha. What has hurt the series for me has been the movies, and the lead actors' complete disdain for the characters they play.
It all seems like one big parody to me now, so I'm kind of over the whole series. Feminism is all about a woman's right to make her own choices, and choosing to get married young and give up everything for love is not anti-feminist, so long as that choice is what you truly want and is not something forced on you by society. So, I have never understood that angle. I think Bella was dramatic, but oh well, it was what she wanted. As far as the Host. I liked it and I think it doesn't need a sequel.
However, if she does ever write one I will read it. May 16, AM. I personally like her books. And she must be doing something right, because she's currently sitting on a mountain of millions due to her 'terrible' writing.
How does the saying go? Each to their own! You don't like her books or her writing, and that's okay. Just don't 'try' to understand why others like it and let it be! I'm only trying to save you time on the matter May 16, PM. If I said I haven't read Twilight or seen the movies, would you guys let me get away with that?
There's a saying that if someone has some haters, then they've done a great job. It's human nature; you can't expect everyone to like your work or approve of it. Just like we can't expect everyone to like Twilight. Granted, Nichole wrote: "There's a saying that if someone has some haters, then they've done a great job.
Just like we can't expect everyone When you challenge people to write a better book, you're not setting the bar very high with Meyer. Her premise is good but her execution seems to be what people dislike about her.
The story is what grabs people but it is the writing that earns her all her haters. Stephen King said it best.
By the way, I took the challenge and wrote a book of my own So far nobody's picked me up and given me the chance to knock Ms. Meyer off her pile of millions. Well, that's precisely the point Benjamin.
Sure, you might be one of the. Plus, I gotta say, some of Kings work isn't worth any praise either. I find the movies based on his books way better than his actual books. But I'm sure it's what we can expect between someone who has written over 50 books for decades, vs. Gracie wrote: "She's nooot even sure she'll write a seecond Host book because sh doesn't want to kill characters off. I need an explanation as to why her decision not to write a sequel to it paints her as anti-feminist and weak.
Gracie wrote: "What do you guys think about her and her writing and why? Meyer's writing has never jumped off of the page and hit me in the face. I would call it dry. As for what I think about Meyer, I can't really say. I certainly wouldn't call her weak, for I don't personally know her.
I didn't like how she portrayed Bella as being miserable until Edward, then Jacob came along. She didn't really build any strong relatioships between the female characters. That said, it is her story to tell. But I read it as a 28 yr.
I think that Bella and Edward's relationship is one sided, but in the story he was a vampire so he probably knew best on some of it. I just don't see myself reading another Stephanie Meyers book, but it has more to do with my age than her writing. Only b She's like your average I changed the topic so it's less negative then