Will they reveal who is gossip girl

In the novels, Gossip Girl was very similar to how she is portrayed in the television adaptation. The main difference is her identity is never revealed. During the first five seasons, Gossip Girl's identity is never identified.

In the season two finale The Goodbye Gossip Girl , Serena attempts to track her down on the night of graduation. Jude's meet, where she reveals in a blast that they are truly Gossip Girl; as she wouldn't have anything to write about if people didn't send in tips. That night, Blair and Chuck are involved in a horrific car accident, which leads to Chuck nearly dying and Blair losing her unborn baby. After this, Gossip Girl abandons her site, only to have it picked up by a new user.

Not wanting to be exposed, she agrees to not release a photo of Dan kissing Blair. In The Princess Dowry , Dan outs Georgina to Blair and Chuck, and she does each of them favors to earn one in return in case the secret ever got out. Afterwards, Georgina sends the laptop with the admin site access to Serena, along with a note encouraging her to take over. Serena then takes over the site and begins to enjoy running it. However, her cousin, Lola Rhodes , suspects that she is Gossip Girl and attempts to out her.

She eventually tells Nate, who doesn't say anything either. Meanwhile, Diana Payne agrees to help Serena blackmail the real Gossip Girl into letting her keep the site. However, this doesn't work and Nate and Lola help the real Gossip Girl get the laptop back after seeing Serena ruin her friendships while running the site. In The Fugitives , the real Gossip Girl begins posting again. He reasons that he did so in an attempt to write himself into the world of the Upper East Side.

After he explains everything, he confesses that Gossip Girl is now dead and they can all move on with their lives. In the time jump, it's revealed that a new high school student that bears a resemblance to Dan has taken over as the "new" Gossip Girl. Seeking to teach the students of Constance Billard St. Jude's School how to respect others and to be better people, four teachers band together to revive the moniker of Gossip Girl.

Under the direction of a former Constance student, Rebecca, who witnessed the rise of the original Gossip Girl Dan Humphrey , the teachers work together to craft the perfect account. They initially start as a Twitter account under the handle "Gossip Girl2. It is here that Gossip Girl breaks her first blast, written by Kate Keller.

Appearing on Variety 's Actors on Actors series, Badgley and Crawford addressed the controversial series final and how they too were surprised by the revelation. As we know, the Gossip Girl reboot is airing in mere days and will revive the original dilemma, thanks to a new Gossip Girl presence residing on an Instagram account.

And while Kristen Bell is set to resume her voice over role, the face behind the account is yet to be discovered. Here's hoping it's not a year-old Dan. If you're yet to mark your calendar, the Gossip Girl reboot premieres on Binge on July 8. Today am. Beauty What Is Bakuchiol? The cat is out of its express-delivered-to-your-doorman Net-a-Porter bag.

Gossip Girl is back on TV er, streaming on HBOMax and it has immediately cut to the chase and revealed who is behind the anonymous account this time around: the teachers! This is the boldest structural choice made by the new iteration of the show. You can understand why the writers felt obligated to say that someone was GG by the end of the show, but pinning it all on Dan, or any one character, would never make sense, given the way that the site seemed to be out for everyone at all times.

The show was best in its earlier seasons, when Gossip Girl was less of an independent actor and more Upper East Side surveillance miasma. The revival does away with the whole anonymity charade, but in the process makes the watchers more compelling than the watched. Gossip Girl has gone from being about characters under the effects of surveillance to foregrounding the manufacture of it. The teens seem like an afterthought. They start skimming through the old Gossip Girl archives, offering commentary on the original run So white!

So problematic!


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