Adrienne maloof who is
Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast , join our Facebook group , and follow us on Instagram for the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras. Sign Up for Free to View. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The Maloof family has owned businesses for over years and they've been known for their entrepreneurial spirit — and Adrienne is no exception.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. Written By. Go Here Meet Her. Money Mindset. Sex Sessions. Slice TV Previews. This is How She Does It. Made You Look. Rachel Wong. Baking Therapy. Slice Salon. Styling Tips. Outfit Ideas. Hair Rehab. Maloof revealed that she has moved on from Nassif, although her love life comes second to raising her three sons with her ex, Gavin, Christian, and Colin.
Maloof added that her kids are getting older, though, with the oldest already thinking about college, so she foresees some free time in her future.
While Maloof is seeing somebody and is open to falling in love, she's not so sure about getting married again. He says he was licensed to own it, with the primary purpose to protect his sons from death threats that might affect their multimillion-dollar inheritance. Maloof also alleges that Nassif has been irresponsible when caring for the children. She claims that on a weekend in August, he was under the influence of alcohol during a kayaking trip with the kids.
She alleges that one of the children fell in the water and another went missing for some time.