2017 why didnt the world end
NASA has known about it for years but — surprise! But the jig is up because the planet is on a collision course with our world and the end will come on Sept. The end-of-the-world theory — despite its high preposterousness quotient — has legs. Nibiru does sound suspiciously similar to the informally named Planet 9, a theorized planet announced last year , which may orbit the sun at 20 times the distance of Neptune and, like Nibiru, have 10 times the mass of Earth.
The possible existence of the planet was based on a well-conducted study showing that only the gravitational influence of a world with that mass and orbit could account for the behavior of a cluster of smaller bodies in the solar system known as Kuiper Belt Objects. Giving more explicit voice to the warnings of a Saturday checkout time for all of us is conspiracy fabulist David Meade, whose YouTube video making his end-is-nigh case has amassed 3. His reasoning, such as it is, has something to do with the Bible, something to do with the number 33 and something to do with the pyramids in Giza, Egypt, because…why not?
Meade, who has written 14 books — mostly focused on the end of the world or the mysterious planet Nibiru, thought by some to be on a collision course with Earth —said he does not in fact believe the world will end on 23 April. Instead Meade believes that the rapture — when Jesus will appear and save his followers but reject the rest — will occur at some point between May and December of this year.
He would not be drawn on a specific date. The British newspaper the Daily Express, which regularly cites Meade in news stories about the end of the world, appears to have been the source for the 23 April date. Meade has made a number of incorrect predictions about the fate of the world. He predicted that a planet called Nibiru would herald the destruction of Earth on 23 September , which did not happen.
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