Can i transfer to csun with a 2.5 gpa

Local vs. Does transfer impaction affect you? To find out whether or not impaction affects you, take the following steps in the suggested order: 1.

Determine if you are a "local-area" or a "non-local area" applicant. If the majority of your transferable units come from post-secondary institutions outside CSUN's local area but still in California, you will be considered a "non-local-area" applicant.

Choose your major carefully. You will not be able to change it during the admission process. Impacted Majors For Fall , several undergraduate majors are impacted. Explore CSUN undergraduate majors. The list of impacted majors may change in future academic years. The impacted majors for Fall are listed below. Then, after successfully completing the pre-major program, students file for a change of major: 1. Kinesiology 8. Psychology Applicants to the following impacted major are required to pass an audition: 9.

Please note: Applicants who meet the minimum GPA for their group will be admitted. These impaction criteria have been set for Fall admission only and may vary for future admission cycles.

Cal State San Marcos accepts transfer applications only from upper-division transfer or readmission applicants who will have completed 60 or more transferable semester or 90 or more quarter units by the end of the spring semester for fall admission or summer for spring admission.

For spring admission, this means that courses taken in the fall semester may not be used to meet admission requirements. We do not accept transfer applications from lower-division students with fewer than 60 transferable semester units.

Transfer students meeting the following criteria will receive priority for available spaces:. A transfer applicant is considered to be in our local admissions area if they complete 12 units at Palomar, MiraCosta or Mt. San Jacinto. Units earned at other institutions during the same semesters will disqualify your local eligibility. Register 5 weeks or more before the test date 4.

Earn a qualifiable eligibility index. Non-local area applicants graduating from California schools outside the defined Local Admission Area must meet the higher eligibility index published at freshman impaction criteria.

Note: Space permitting, non-local area applicants will be admitted until the freshman class is full. It is possible that no non-local-area, first-time freshman applicants will be admitted if local applicants fill all available admission spaces.

Therefore, CSUN recommends applying to an additional, alternate campus. I am guessing the SAT score is for all 3 sections of the old test. Channel Islands and SF are probably other options.

Most have an environment that will allow you to build foundational knowledge and hone your study skills - which probably could use some polishing. I am local but i have one d in my second semester of pre calc. If the D is from 2nd semester, you do not get credit for Pre-Calc as an a-g course unless you repeat the course with a passing grade. Since you are local, you have priority thus a higher chance for an acceptance but since CSUN has been so impacted, this is not a guarantee.

Learn more about the Associate Degree for Transfer. General university admission is guaranteed to Mt. SAC students who meet one of the following requirements:. To sign up for the Guaranteed Program for Admission , start by building a transfer map. Students may sign up for the Guaranteed Program for Admission at any point while attending a participating California community college.


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