Can injuries cause tumors
Learn more about brain and spine tumor treatment at Edward-Elmhurst Health. Read related blogs: When headaches can be brain tumors What every parent should know about childhood concussions. Read More. If you have reached this screen, your current device or browser is unable to access the full Edward-Elmhurst Health Web site.
To see the full site, please upgrade your browser to the most recent version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. If you cannot upgrade your browser, you can remain on this site. Back to Healthy Driven Blog Home. Injuries cannot cause cancer, but an injury may lead to finding cancer in the injured area. For example, a bone that is weak from a cancerous tumour is more likely to break — and treating the broken bone could lead to the discovery of the cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society is committed to sharing important information about cancer risk to Canadians and will continue to monitor research in this area.
In general, men are more likely than women to develop a brain tumor. However, some specific types of brain tumors, such as meningioma, are more common in women. Home and work exposures. Exposure to solvents, pesticides, oil products, rubber, or vinyl chloride may increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. However, there is not yet scientific evidence that supports this possible link. Family history. Studies are underway to try to find a cause for these clusters.
Exposure to infections, viruses, and allergens. In other research, high levels of a common virus called cytomegalovirus CMV have been found in brain tumor tissue. The meaning of this finding is being researched.
Several types of other viruses have been shown to cause brain tumors in research on animals. More data are needed to find out if exposure to infections, other viruses, or allergens increase the risk of a brain tumor in people. But the most important thing is to get information from a trusted source— for example our website and the NHS. One way of knowing if you can trust health information is by checking if the Patient Information Forum PIF has accredited it. The PIF makes sure that information is based on up to date evidence and is high quality.
You can read more about spotting fake news on cancer on our blog. Skip to main content. Can an injury or blow to the breast cause cancer? How does Cancer Research UK evaluate evidence? These are some of the things we consider: Did the study look at cells, animals or people?