Ww3 what will happen
In the Pacific, the U. The worry is that the brewing 21st century Cold War with China and its junior partner Russia could at some point turn hot. This may be a bit of posturing both for U. But it points to how the global context is changing. Wars start through any number of pathways: One world war happened through deliberate action, the other was a crisis that spun out of control. In the coming decades, a war might ignite accidentally, such as by two opposing warships trading paint near a reef not even marked on a nautical chart.
It would be anything but. A great power conflict would be quite different from the small wars of today that the U. But a 21st century fight would also see battles for control of two new domains.
Worrisome for the U. A total mindshift is required for this new reality. In every fight since , U. It has not always translated to decisive victories, but it has been an edge every other nation wants. Yet U. And now off-the-shelf technologies can be bought to rival even the most advanced tools in the U.
The winner of a recent robotics test, for instance, was not a U. If some catastrophic event killed everyone older than 3 years old, would humankind survive? What are the consequences of global warming? Temperature rising is not a consequence as there are good and bad outcomes.
What would you do if you were trapped in a small room that is gradually filling with water? Do you think that the space-faring aliens out there are friendly or cruel? If an alien invasion really happened, will humans win just like in scifi movies? Does the U.
Is a black hole bomb feasible and safe? Share What would have happened if Stalin did not die in ? What the big directions for the technology of the future? Hypothetically, if Pakistan and India declare full scale war on each other, can this escalate to a World War? J Abdul kalam? What are pros and cons of Earth terraforming?
Would it be morally right to exterminate a species who destroyed species that we have created? Is the world encountering global disaster do you think? Would you like to travel to outer space, what would you do there? Suppose we come up with a technology to understand animal languages, say of dog, would you consider that the greatest achievement of mankind to date? What will military combat technology be like in the far, distant future of the universe..?
What would an advanced alien civilisation billions of years ahead of us in terms of technology look like? If aliens are searching for exoplanets as we are, should we take measures to hide earth? What would happen if there was a WW3 started by North Korea now, what sides would different countries take? Would you rather be free or be safe? Hypothetical Scenarios: If aliens invaded Earth and made us into a farm where they only have humans to consume, would that be immoral?
We eat animals? Hypothetical Scenarios: What would be worse? Alien invasion or zombie apocalypse and why? If you have one minute left to live, what would you do? What would happen if there is no Internet for a day in the whole world? What would a modern-day evil genius have to do in order to take over the world? What do you think will happen if Apple loses the case against the FBI?
If you could change 1 law to benefit your country's health in the longer term, what would it be and why? Extraterrestrial Life: What might a silicon-based life form look like? The government surrenders without a fight. The plan is to unleash hell in Mogadishu, but The White Widow is back in hiding.
Experts suspect a new virus might be in the pipeline. War is inevitable in more than one form. Can Mamata go national? Successful coalitions at the Centre have been usually headed by leaders with weak power bases. Is a green Diwali possible? Ultra right and wrong: Women in India face a new threat to their freedom of choice.
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